ROBLOX Zombie Strike Wiki


The point of the game is killing zombies and leveling up, each time you level you can unlock gun that you can't wield yet such as legendary gun, the more you level/rank up you can get free items and emotes which you can use in game!, Although they are kinda useless they are still good even if there is no use to them. While playing you have to level to unlock maps, difficulties, etc there are many ways to level up, you can play the minigames and beat levels Rewarding you Brains 🧠 (Online currency in the game) with being the second caps (another online currency in the game) these are helpful since you can buy guns, another to get currencies in the game are selling useless guns, clothes, etc

Gameplay with bosses:

The bosses are extremely difficulty as they require guns that do lots of damage, usually averaging around 1000 damage guns are require to beat the boss fully and get your loot which you can get guns, clothes, etc etc these help to make the gameplay even better so you can enjoy the full experience.

List of bosses

evil dr zombie

yeti zombie

Easter zombie (no longer active as the egg hunt event is over)
